Archive for October, 2006

The Panic Attack That Never Was – Part 2

October 27, 2006

Alright… I figured I might as well post the second strip that almost was.

Here’s the script for the second installment:

Panic Attack 2

PANEL 1 – Pan is in the same position we left him in at the end of the last strip – sitting up in bed, craning his neck, lips puckered for a big smooch, and eyes tightly shut.

C’mon, baby. Give your favorite god of sensuality some sugar.

PANEL 2 – Pan is still in the same position, but now he has opened one eye widely to see what is going on. His neck is still craned and lips puckered.

PANEL 3 – Pan is sitting up in bed now – with both eyes open. He looks a bit confused as he looks about and calls out for Stacy.


PANEL 4 – Pan now looks a bit more worried than confused as he calls out again


PANEL 5 – A cat jumps up onto the bed. This is Cassius. This is the cat that Pan and Stacy shared their apartment with – now it’s apparently just Pan and Cassius. To put it simply – Pan and Cassius are foes.


PANEL 6 – Pan and Cassius glare at each other.

You are not petal-butt. You are my foe.

And below is Michael’s artwork for installment two.


It was a fun idea, but it just didn’t work out. I think I might still like to partner-up with an artist and give a regular strip another try. I’d do it myself, but I just don’t have the chops when it comes to being an artist.

The Panic Attack That Never Was

October 24, 2006

Last summer I was kicking around the idea of doing a comic strip with artist Michael David Scott called Panic Attack. The premise was to be about Pan from Greek Mythology — but rather than being the god who watches over shepherds and flocks, he’s a modern day down-on-his-luck slacker.

Here’s the script for the first installment:

Panic Attack 1

PANEL 1 – Pan is lying in bed. His mouth is hanging open and he is snoring away. The bed linens are in shambles. It must have been one hell of a night. Stacy (his soon to be ex-girlfriend) is shouting at him from off panel.

Pan! Wake up. I’m leaving.

PANEL 2 – Pan is still lying in bed. He hasn’t moved. He is out. Stacy is now poking her head into the panel from the side. She’s a pretty girl. Way too pretty for a guy like Pan (god or not). She looks a bit miffed.

Pan, are you awake? Did you hear me? I’m leaving.

PANEL 3 – Angle on Pan as he gestures just slightly and mumbles.

Hey, babe… Call work for me and tell ’em I ain’t comin’ in.

PANEL 4 – Angle on Stacy who is scowling at the coma-like Pan. We can see now that she has her bags packed. She is “leaving” leaving.

Goodbye, Pan. Don’t forget to feed Cassius.

PANEL 5 – Stacy has left. Pan stirs in the bed, but he has yet to open his eyes – he is still half asleep.

Right. Cassius. Got it. Bring back some Chick-fil-A.

PANEL 6 – Pan has managed to sit up in bed and he’s leaning toward the edge where he heard Stacy’s voice. His eyes are still tightly shut but he is stretching his neck up and out with puckered lips for a kiss – a kiss he isn’t going to get.

Kiss. Kiss.

And below you can see the artwork that Michael completed for the first installment.


Michael and I kicked around a lot of ideas for good ol’ Pan. Unfortunately our schedules didn’t permit us to run with it. I’ve got another example or two that I’ll probably show a little later down the line. Who knows? Maybe Panic Attack will come to fruition some day.

Hey, Did You Hear The One About Another Indiana Jones Movie?

October 20, 2006

Well, if Harrison Ford can return to play Indiana Jones, I can return to posting to my blog.

Ford says he’s fit to play Indiana Jones

Harrison Ford says he feels “fit to continue” to play Indiana Jones despite growing older.

Ford, 64, said at the inaugural Rome Film Festival on Friday that he was delighted to team up again with directors Steven Spielberg and George Lucas for the film. Lucas co-wrote and executive produced the earlier films, which Spielberg directed.

“We did three films that stay within the same block of time. We need to move on for artistic reasons and obvious physical reasons,” Ford said at a news conference. “I feel fit to continue and bring the same physical action.”

“Indiana Jones 4” has been in development for over a decade, but the production has recently gained momentum. Lucas has said he and Spielberg, who would direct, are working on a script, though no details have been disclosed.

Ford played Indiana Jones in 1981’s “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” 1984’s “Temple of Doom” and 1989’s “The Last Crusade.”

So when — or if — the next Indiana Jones film is released we’re looking at close to 20 years since the last one. I have been a fan of the Indiana Jones movies since I first saw Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was 13. I’m sure I’ll be one of the first in line to see “Indy 4” — but I ain’t going to hold my breath.

I’m Back!

October 20, 2006

Not that my four regular readers — which I’m sure has dropped to two or three now — missed me all that much. I apologize for the lack of posts over the last two weeks. I ended up traveling for work once again — shortly after returning from my previous trip to Lexington, KY. My latest trip took me to Ft. Wayne, IN for a retailer summit. No offense to the fine citizens of Ft. Wayne, but there’s not a whole helluva lot going on in your town, is there?

Upon returning there was all sorts of catching up to do with work and writing and recovering from just feeling like I got my butt kicked with all of the travelling. I’ll never be a globetrotter.

So I’m back, and I’m looking to get back on track with the blogging.

Skipping Work For The Post Season

October 5, 2006

Ah… Nothing beats skipping out on work for a weekday day game of major league baseball. What makes it even better is skipping out on work to catch a post season major leage baseball game — in this case, game two of the National Leage Division Series between the St. Louis Cardinals and the San Diego Padres.

Now, it’s true that my Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim didn’t make it into the post season, but that’s not going to stop me from taking advantage of the oportunity to spend the afternoon at the ballpark with a couple of beers watching Jeff Weaver throw against David Wells. Hell, it wasn’t much fun watching Weaver throw for my Angels this season — so I figure he owes me a good day at the ballpark.

I Survived BotCon 2006

October 4, 2006

Alright… I made it back from Lexington, KY in pretty much one piece — except of course for the inevitable travel-cold brought on by breathing recirculating air aboard airplains. I’ve been spending the last couple of days trying to catch up with both home and work stuff — thus the lack of recent posts.

BotCon 2006 can officially be logged as a successful show for IDW. While it may have been a bitch getting out there — with baggage weight issues, missed flights, and long layovers — the show itself went well. Just about everyone at the show was enthusiastic with what IDW is doing with Transformers.


Pictured above from left to right are Don Figueroa (Transformers: Stormbringer and Beast Wars: The Gathering artist), Simon Furman (long time and fan-favorite Transformers writer), yours truly (Transformers editor), Ben Yee (Transformers guru), Chris Ryall (IDW editor-in-cheif).

So now that I’ve unpacked my bags and managed to catch up on a few — not all, but a few things — I hope to get back to posting. Of course I’ve got another work-related trip that I have to go on next week.